Friday, January 28, 2011
Sharing faith on retreat in Olmé
Friday, January 21, 2011
Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa is on a sandy, desert hillside overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The community is made up primarily of mining families, and during the day most of the men are gone to work. The land was purchased from the government, so the people living there are there legally. But there is no electricity or running water. Most live in very simple homes they constructed themselves. But even amidst poverty, there is a strong sense of community.
Last year, a man in Santa Rosa had a dream that missionaries would come to his door to share the gospel with Santa Rosa. The next morning, volunteer missionaries from Texas knocked on his door. They were doing door-to-door evangelism, and his was the first house they had gone to.
Since that encounter, the volunteers’ church has decided to adopt Santa Rosa and now sends volunteer teams several times each year. These teams train believers in Santa Rosa to lead Bible studies, and hopefully, to plant churches.
It’s amazing how in-control God is.
Seminaries supporting seminaries
A month before the conference, the Peruvian government passed a law saying for the first time in the nation’s history that non-Catholic seminaries can receive official accreditation. It’s a new opportunity for evangelical schools in Peru, but the possibility also comes with some challenges. So while the group from New Orleans was there, they met with leaders from the Baptist seminaries in Peru, and offered their perspective.
But we still covered the pastor’s conference. The New Orleans seminary president and a professor led the men’s conference and talked about leadership qualities. Meanwhile, their wives led a woman’s conference to talk to the women about walking with the Lord.
More than a hundred people came for all three nights of the conference, some of them traveling more than 2 hours both ways to be there. A question-and-answer session in the men’s conference revealed that the material was valuable to those in attendance – particularly when it came to how to lead a family in a godly way.
It was great to see Christians from one culture reaching out to encourage their brothers in another culture. In particular I was impressed with the man who translated everything – He did a great job.